About Me

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Brooklyn, New York, United States
I aspire to inspire your mind, body, & soul through my blog, Facebook Fan pages, and events. In my spare time, I am an aspiring herbalist, write poetry, short stories, and sometimes songs. My life's purpose is to share knowledge and uplift individuals to heights once thought of as unreachable.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I See Right Thru You

STOP saying out loud the thing(s) you are going to do.

There are people that like to be heard. I think it makes them feel important. Some people may not realize that when you speak out loud, your dreams and aspirations, you are seeking accountablity partners. Accountablity partners want to see you succeed and they will ask you often, "Did you do as you said you were going to do?" Well, what do you think will happen if you keep saying you are going to do and when asked if you did, your answer is always; "no, not yet" "I forgot" "Oh, I cloudn't, but I will in 2 weeks." Come on, are you serious? Obviously not and that is OK, but you need to stop saying out loud the things you are going to do until you are ready to get that done. It is not fare to your accountability partners.

STOP putting off the thing(s) you say you are going to do.

What is really going on? That is what you need to ask yourself; and wait for yourself to answer. You obviously want something more for yourself; albeit, an education, a house, you want to move, you want an upgrade of some tangible thing......and the list can go on. If you have gotten as far as knowing what you need to do to get their and you have not taken the necessary steps to getting there, then you need to figure out what is holding you back. Roadblocks, are just that. They can be moved. You may need a taskforce to move it or you may be able to move it yourself. Bottom line, move it and move on.

I see right thru you

Believe it or not, the video below inspired this posting. Inspiration can come from anywhere, anyone, and anything. We, the people, are powerful beings. We have powers that we don't know we have. Seek within yourself to find out what powers you have and when you start to use them, you will master them.


Till Next Time......

Social Butterfly

Live Positive <> Stay Positive


  1. Love it! So true~ And I love that song! :)

  2. Thank you Monique for stopping by. While the songs lyrics tell of how a male mate knows his woman and supports her, the visuals are just not their. It is easy for women to see and know that their man is their trying to support them. Things seem to get difficult for some women to see that others around them are supporting them as well and can clearly see that they are more talk then action.


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