About Me

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Brooklyn, New York, United States
I aspire to inspire your mind, body, & soul through my blog, Facebook Fan pages, and events. In my spare time, I am an aspiring herbalist, write poetry, short stories, and sometimes songs. My life's purpose is to share knowledge and uplift individuals to heights once thought of as unreachable.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Voting Time is Right Around the Corner

I know there are a lot of political commercials on the TV. Tea Partiers (is that a word?) in your town. Politicians knocking on your door. Your neighbors have all these signs on their lawn, too! But, you know what time of year it is! It is time to VOTE and that is literally around the corner. Did you vote last year? I hope you did. This time of the year can be a bit confusing for a lot of us and I am no expert. I rarely watch the news these days. I don't like seeing the negative ads. This year someone informed us all that you can visit VOTE411.ORG, to find out who is running in your neighborhood, Town, City, and State.

My only advice to all my readers is to make your own decision. Vote for who you think best meets your needs and the needs of your area. Don't let others dictate the right candidate.

Mountains are not built in a day!!!!

No one person can do it all!!!!!!

CHANGE takes time and effort!!!!!

Mountains do not stand tall forever, it too falls!!!!!

Till Next Time......

Live Positive <> Stay Positive

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