About Me

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Brooklyn, New York, United States
I aspire to inspire your mind, body, & soul through my blog, Facebook Fan pages, and events. In my spare time, I am an aspiring herbalist, write poetry, short stories, and sometimes songs. My life's purpose is to share knowledge and uplift individuals to heights once thought of as unreachable.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Start Right

For the next 30 days, I will be creating a blog post that will help you plant the right seeds for a prosperous year. Many of us have been thinking about our New Year's resolutions, or reflecting on things accomplished or not from last year. We all want to start this year off right, so I have named this series Start Right. January for many of us around the world is cold and dreary. We are shut up in the house, there is not too many colors going on outside, because the trees can't bloom and the fruits can't grow. But, that is alright, because inside our homes and minds it is warm enough to sprout the seeds of creativity, wealth, and health.

So Let's START 2011 RIGHT!!!

Till Next Time......
Live Positive <> Stay Positive


  1. What a lovely blog. You talk about trees not blooming, but I opened this blog and the colors just warmed me up. I am viewing this on a 32 inch monitor....so you can imagine...lovely coral spilling over my keyboard.

  2. Thank you for that lovely comment kleeks.


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