About Me

My photo
Brooklyn, New York, United States
I aspire to inspire your mind, body, & soul through my blog, Facebook Fan pages, and events. In my spare time, I am an aspiring herbalist, write poetry, short stories, and sometimes songs. My life's purpose is to share knowledge and uplift individuals to heights once thought of as unreachable.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Social Butterfly Group

Q: What is the Social Butterfly Group?
A: A company that was formed by a woman with a purpose. Her purpose in life is to help others move from one level of their lives to the next level.

Q: Well, how is this woman going to do that?
A: Just by sharing information. Knowledge is POWER. Here's where you come in. You, your family, and friends will join my fan page Social Butterfly Group (that is where I share most all my business) and subscribe to this blog.

Q: OK, so I told everyone I know. What's in it for me?
A: You will have access to tools that will give you wisdom beyond your imagination. The best way to get ahead is to know what is ahead of you. It will always be up to you what you do with the information that you are given. But after following Social Butterfly, you will never be able to say, "dang, I wish I knew that before!" Remember, this is not only about you, but about all those around you.

Anyone who follows Social Butterfly will benefit. Becoming aware of whats available to you is a positive change. Positive Change is an infectious disease, once it spreads, it has nothing but positive adverse effects on everyone infected.

Q: Is there any other way I can support Social Butterfly?
A: Well of course, there will be plenty of ways to support in the future. But right now, you can visit Free Spirit Accessories and email your order for handmade accessories; and you can book your future travel itineraries at http://www.sbgtravel.worldventures.com/.
Any questions or comments please post below.
Till next post; Live Positive <> Stay Positive


  1. Stopping by from Meg's Mingle!
    Just wanted to let you know that I am following your site on FB now. I've read some very great advice from it.

    You can follow my blog as well.

  2. KG I am honored. I love you blog and I joined it. I have to visit your site to get know what you do over there in the Bronx. On my free spirit accessories fan page, I have started to feature other persons that will tie into what I am selling. I make jewelry and will be expanding, but there are soo much others out there who have great talents albeit making or selling clothes or designing. I will feature you on that page. I will shoot you a message on FB when I do it. If you know of any others preferrable if they have a fb fan page and/or blog that deals with fashion, and etc. Thanks alot.


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