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Brooklyn, New York, United States
I aspire to inspire your mind, body, & soul through my blog, Facebook Fan pages, and events. In my spare time, I am an aspiring herbalist, write poetry, short stories, and sometimes songs. My life's purpose is to share knowledge and uplift individuals to heights once thought of as unreachable.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Woman to Rule this Country

For those of you that don't know, I am in college. My current humanities class is The Nature of America. This weeks topic is about the American Dream and one of the forum discussions is titled: American Dream changing role of women forum. Here are the details in the discussion:
“The economic crisis of the Great Depression had eroded the centrality of a man’s role as the family breadwinner; the military crisis of the 1940s had given women a new sense of participation in the public workplace” (154). Professor Cullen goes on to talk about the role of women in the 1980s and beyond in terms of “… mothers who worked outside the home and struggled to find the resources—time, money, quality day care—for their families and themselves” (155).

So it was a combination of the Great Depression and World War II that brought women out of their traditional roles of homemakers and mothers. The 1960s brought on a sexual revolution caused by the introduction of the birth control pill and the rise of feminism.

We are now used to seeing women who work outside the home. Hillary Clinton unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, while Sarah Palin ran for vice president of the U.S. The former secretary of state was Condoleezza Rice, who was succeeded by Hillary Clinton. In Congress, Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House for two-and-a-half more months. In our own state, Elizabeth Dole lost her senate seat in 2008 to another woman, Kay Hagan. Until recently, Meg Whitman was the CEO of eBay and was just defeated in her bid to become governor of Californian, while Carly Fiorina was formerly the CEO of Hewlett Packard and was just defeated in her bid to win a Senate seat in California. And of course, Oprah Winfrey may be the most influential person on network television. According to the Durham Herald-Sun, 60 percent of the students at UNC-Chapel Hill, Appalachian State, and ECU are female.

Today, America faces its greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression and continuing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the potential for new threats from Iran and North Korea. Do you think that the future role of American women will change as much in the next 80 years as it has in the last 80 years? Explain your reasons.

GTCC ~ Professor Steve Mueller

So, a man answers that he thinks
Their will be a few stay at home dads in the future (not many), but eighty years from now women will continue to be denied critical resources such as credit, land, and inheritance.
Fellow classmate: M. Morgan
He said a few other words as well but I was really shocked by his answer to the question. My reply was this:
Your point of view is very interesting, however I disagree with some of it. More and more women are banding together for a greater cause. If you were to ask women which sex they thought would run this country better, the answer with the most votes would be a woman. I may be biased to your post because I am a woman myself, however based on history, woman have enough experience to run more than just a household. There are many female leaders in this present day; 31 in 28 leading countries and self-ruling territories to be exact. The mere fact that we are seeing an increase in women seeking political office should tell you that their is a shift tacking place for sure. It is unfortunate that so many women have been mentally abused and the ill effect of that is low self esteem. Not sure how many men have been noticing, but women all over this country are reaching out to other women in full force - there will be little to none hating on other women and much more women looking in the mirror with confidence. So with that said, eighty years from now, women can not be denied critical resources as you are suggesting. Oh, maybe you didn't know that there are more single women owning homes than single men, more women in college than men, and an increasing number of women are that are leading major companies.
I don't think I am alone, matter of fact, I am not alone in my thoughts and the scary thing is, neither is the gentleman that I was responding to. In 80 years I will be 112 and I don't know if I will live that long but definately before then I may run for President or some other high political office one day, my daughter man run for and office and her daughter may run for an office. I want to know that my sisters will back me because they believe in me and not look at me and say, Who does she think she is? I am sincere in what I am asking of all my sisters of this nation. We need not be afraid of each other but lift one another up. We are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for. Let's give ourselves and each other more credit.

Till Next Time......
Live Positive <> Stay Positive

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