About Me

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Brooklyn, New York, United States
I aspire to inspire your mind, body, & soul through my blog, Facebook Fan pages, and events. In my spare time, I am an aspiring herbalist, write poetry, short stories, and sometimes songs. My life's purpose is to share knowledge and uplift individuals to heights once thought of as unreachable.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sh*t Republicans Say about Black People

I have no words to express what I am feeling.  I just wonder, if the Republicans win election 2012, will they further alienate "black people."

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Live Positive ~ Stay Positive

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fast Week 3: I made it

I am really late with this post.  I wanted to report to you my success.  Perseverance is all that I needed.  I am just so proud of myself.  I waited over 24 hours before I ate.  How did I make it?  Well the last Sunday I had an epiphany.  I told myself that I will live.  That's it, I Will Live!  When you don't eat, the first thought is usually, "I'm going to die."  I realized that my mindset was in the wrong place.  The one thing I am proud of is the fact that I walked passed the dinning room table and there was food.  I walked past it and went to my room.

(Photo Source)

Related Post
Fast Week 1
Fast Week 2

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Live Positive ~ Stay Positive

We have improved!

Had you noticed. I like the improvements that I made here.  I wonder if you do too. To celebrate the changes, I wanted to reward two of my current subscribers with a free sample pack of our hand blended teas.  I will explain that in another post, but ALL YOU HAVE TO DO, is to be the first (2) commenters and state one (1) thing that you noticed has changed.


(Photo Source)

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Live Positive ~ Stay Positive

Sunday, January 22, 2012

College Bound Kids

As a mother of 4, I look forward to all of my children opening up their college acceptance letters.  I have groomed them; well, I still am grooming them to be college graduates.  The jury is still out on whether college is worth its weight in debt; but, just in case you are wondering how to pay for or help pay for your child's' tuition, you should look into Mission Tuition.

The concept and process is so simple.  You simply sign up and they will open up an educational savings account for you with Wells Fargo; then shop at merchants you're likely already shopping with. Each merchant will give you a set cash back amount or a percentage as cash back of your order which goes into your account.  Be sure to also check out the participating merchants, I saw one merchant offer 35% cash back - a $100 order yield's $35 into your account.  Now that's what I call shopping and saving.  Your child and your wallet will thank you greatly one day.

How can I forget to tell you that it is free to join, so what are you waiting for.

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Live Positive ~ Stay Positive

Friday, January 20, 2012

BEAUTY; it's in the eye of the Fotoshop

We are all victims.  We see the magazines, FLAWLESS are all the women and men in them.  We wonder, what do they do that I don't.  How is it that they look sooo young.  Well, deep down inside, we know that what we see is not real; but, that doesn't stop us from wanting what we see.  It is so much attractive in our own eyes, thanks to the marketing specialist who have brain washed us.  They have altered our vision in a way that, what was once beautiful, is now disgusting.  We will pay top dollar for anything if we knew that it worked.

We are who we are and beauty, our beauty, comes from inside of us.  
Eat right, drink right, love yourself, and be BEAUTIFUL.

With that said, take a look at this video:

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Live Positive ~ Stay Positive

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I plead with you; BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!

There were many other speeches by the Great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Here is one of them:

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Live Positive ~ Stay Positive

Monday, January 16, 2012

Fast Week 2: Coming into play

9:17pm 1.15.12

I had eaten dinner around 6pm and decided not to break my fast until Tuesday morning, 1.17.12. As I write this post, my stomach decides to growl and I know that I have some cashews in my bathroom cabinet (don't ask).  I won't go over there, I will fight the urge by typing away.  Last week, I knew that I wanted to have a helpful/healthful tea to complement my fast.  I have been researching herbs that will aid in detoxing my body and will infuse a sample tonight.  Unfortunately, not all of my herbs will be fresh. I have some leftover tea called Spring Time, which contains Cascara Sagrada and Senna Leaves.  I so want to buy fresh herbs and will do so very soon, but I am working with what I have.  I will soon share the ingredients of my special blend once I have documented my experiences.

1. I drank a glass of ACV and water (this helps the body metabolize, lose excess water, and curbs the appetite).
2. I drank some of my inflammation tea.


1. I drank a glass of ACV and water
2. I drank my detoxing tea mixed with the rest of some the rest of my inflammation tea.
3. Before I went to work, which was around 11:30ish, I was famished and felt as if I wasn't going to make it.  With that said, I ate a mouthful of someone's breakfast on the table.
4. I drank water while at work. I also started counting hours.  Rethinking how long I wanted to actually fast. I will have to decide and have decided that 24 hours will be my target.  I couldn't wait to eat.  I didn't eat a fruit to break my fast.  I delved right into dinner.  I was making sure to eat slower than I probably would've, had I not been conscious.

This week, I need to figure out how I will be more mindful of what I am eating.

I think next weeks post will answer, Why I am fasting for 2012?

Related Post:
Fast Week 1: My first day

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Till Next Time......
Live Positive ~ Stay Positive

Friday, January 13, 2012

Bathroom Updating/Remodeling

When you want to update or add a bathroom to an existing home, you must not overlook the style of the room.  Are you going for a modern look or are you wanting to keep with the original charm of your 1920s home. Bathrooms are usually the smallest room(s) in the home, however some privileged persons may have a home with bathrooms as big as bedrooms.  No matter the size of the room, be sure to not overlook the versatility of vessel sinks.  These babies come in various materials as well, such as porcelain, glass, and stone; and are sure to go with your decor.

You can't purchase a sink without the necessary hardware, so once you choose the vessel sink, be sure to choose a complementary vessel faucet.

I know you like it.  Well maybe not, but I sure do.  The lines in the marble are so organic and the oil finish of that faucet completes the statement.  All I need is a fancy baroque style wallpaper and my bathroom will be complete.

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Live Positive ~ Stay Positive

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fast Week 1: My first day

Two summers ago, I was compelled to fast.  Something within was encouraging me to fast.  I had never felt like that before.  I did go ahead and fast for 3 days.  Read/View here.  At the start of 2012, I began to hear that voice again, and so, I have started to fast.  This fast, however, will be different.  I did look into different types of fast and I am soo sorry that I never posted my research.  I will get to that soon.

So, for $3.99, I purchased the book 'The New FastGirls.'  It was read in 2 sittings and I tried my 24 hour fast. As the weeks progress, I will discuss avenues, insights, thoughts, etc on the 24-36 hour weekly fast.  This intro post is to just update my readers and to gain some followers who choose do it and discuss.

By the way, I managed not to really eat for almost 20 hours (I had 2 gram crackers throughout the day when my stomach was really loud), I did pray and tried to meditate.  I over ate that night for dinner and I was fully aware of it.  I vowed with myself to be better prepared for breaking my fast, whether I do it for 20 or 36.  I also ate and smelled a grapefruit.

As I am now drinking teas, I am choosing to drink teas and water during my fast.  I may go as far as to buy distilled water as I have read it is good to do so during detoxing.  Whenever I am able to buy an alkalizing water machine, of course I will drink that instead.

I so look forward to this new journey and I hope you join me.  I will work on getting the Fast Week post out no later than Tuesday night of each week.  My fast day will be from sometime Sunday night to around 7:00am-ish Tuesday mornings.  If you are blogging about your fast, post the exact link in the comment box so that I can comment on your blog too.

In addition you can LIKE the Facebook page created by the author, Jasai Madden

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Till Next Time......
Live Positive ~ Stay Positive
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