About Me

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Brooklyn, New York, United States
I aspire to inspire your mind, body, & soul through my blog, Facebook Fan pages, and events. In my spare time, I am an aspiring herbalist, write poetry, short stories, and sometimes songs. My life's purpose is to share knowledge and uplift individuals to heights once thought of as unreachable.


Barnes and Noble Fundraiser 2011

During the week of January 27-31, PoetSHE is conducting a fundraiser with B & N. PoetSHE is in the process of becoming a 501(c)(3) organization. If purchasing online, during this week, please use Book Fair Code ID# 45-3056805

POET.SHE is a female spoken and literary group that strives to strengthen the female presence in the literary and spoken word community. POET.SHE is a group of women who are passionate about poetry, writing, literature want to share that passion with the community. POET.SHE includes female poets who perform poetic pieces, POET.SHE includes actresses who perform monologues and written works, POET.SHE includes writers who write anything from prose, to fiction, to random streams of consciousness. Spoken word is a beautiful artistic expression that we believe needs to be shared more frequently and in very diverse creative ways.

PoetSHE - 1st Annual Female Poetry Slam Invitational

February 10, 2011
at the 
World Famous Nitty Gritty Soul Cafe and Supper Club
830 W.Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401
Admission is $5

For more information, please click HERE.
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