About Me

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Brooklyn, New York, United States
I aspire to inspire your mind, body, & soul through my blog, Facebook Fan pages, and events. In my spare time, I am an aspiring herbalist, write poetry, short stories, and sometimes songs. My life's purpose is to share knowledge and uplift individuals to heights once thought of as unreachable.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I'm Getting Married!

The title words are what most mothers and fathers want to hear when their child grows up.  Many little girls dream of the day as early as six, while other girls turn into women thinking that it will never happen to them.  But, once those words are uttered, a host of thoughts can go through ones head.  You instantly think about when, where, theme, colors, and dress.  Flowers are actually equally as important on that special day as the flowers are what the bride carries in her hand, or what the gentlemen wear on their lapel, the decorations on each table, and on ones chair.

The Knot, one of the major online go-to wedding websites, chose a Toledo wedding florists for a 2011 pick.  Hafner Florist serves the surrounding Toledo, Ohio area and has been doing so for over 18 years.  One must put as much enfaces on the flowers as one would their dress, tuxedo, and location.  Without a beautiful arrangement of flowers to adorn oneself and/or tables, one would truly miss out on something extra special.


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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Time For A New Mailbox!

One thing is for sure, it is time for us to invest in a new mailbox.  We live in a cul-de-sac that has very similar mailboxes all the way around.  Some of our neighbors where smart earlier on, to upgrade.  While ours is functional, our mail is wet when it rains outside.  Red brick and mortar with a rusting metal box is so 80s.

Being in the market for new residential mailboxes led me to search various online retailers as well as my local home stores.  There are several advantages to looking at online retailers like www.mailboxpoint.com; the options are seemingly limitless.  No matter your need, they have you covered even if you are looking for the slotted style or the multi-family style mail boxes.

When shopping for your next mailbox, here are a few things to consider:
1. Color coordination with your home
2. Style of your box; modern or old-school
3. It's location; at the street (which may be required depending on where you live) or right next to your entry door.

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Calgary, Alberta

One of my favorite HGTV shows was Property Virgins.  Often times, they featured homes in various areas of Canada.  That show has inspired this post and may become a multi-part post feature.  The City of Calgary is located in the Province of Alberta, Canada.  It has nearly, if not over, 1 million residents that occupy it; while it's metropolitan area has greatly exceeded 1.2 million.  Like most, if not all, of the North Americas, Calgary was settled by the Europeans.  Before they came along, its inhabitants were called the Clovis people or Paleo-Indians; they may have been there for more than 11,000 years. There way of life began to change in the late 1870s.

Being the first Canadian City to host the Olympic Winter Games, Calgary's economy stems from tourism, agriculture, and petroleum industry.  One of Calgary's highlights is the Southland Leisure Centre; which boast 227,000 sq. ft.  It is a recreation center that powers its indoor pools with a solar system.

When considering relocating; consider renting first to get a feel for the place before investing in any real estate.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Become a Frugal Shopper

The Christmas holiday is right around the corner and so is '2012' with its promises of being a great year.  Many people shop during the numerous sales that retailers offer and I don't blame them.  I found this website that not only shows you where the deals are, but at Become.com, they will link you directly with the deals.

My favorite page was with the purple cheap chaise lounge.  Purple is my favorite color and with a grey wall as a backdrop, I imagine it to look beautiful.  To make your sitting area nice, you can even get floor vases cheap too. The cheap fleece throws would make wonderful gifts for all the special someones in your life.

I love to shop, but like most during this economic time, I need to be as frugal as possible.  Be sure to check out www.become.com, you won't be disappointed.  I'm not.

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cucumbers Too Sexy For Women?

I am not Muslim but as a woman, I am highly offended that this cleric would even think that a woman is soo lowly, that she would be in a damn produce aisle of a market or seating at her dining room table eating a banana and having "sexual thoughts." I mean come on, are you serious. OK, I have seen a cucumber that may remind me of a penis, but for all I know, that may make the night time with my husband even better. All jokes aside and on a serious note, I think this is preposterous. Read this quick article and tell me what you think.

Muslim Cleric's Warning: Cucumbers Too Sexy For Women | Fox News:


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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Lasting Memories with Impact Signs

Losing someone is not easy, but what better way to celebrate their life or contributions than with  commemorative plaques.  At Impact Signs, you will be able to choose from 2 styles; etched or cast, and have the ability to add an image, 3D sculpture or artwork.  Commemorative plaques are not only for humans but for 'man's best friends' too.  Your plaque will be fitting for churches, colleges, and memorial parks.

'Giving back' is a term that's often used when someone wants to give time and/or money to an organization such as the Ronald McDonald House.  If you plan on giving money to an organization, perhaps they have donor walls where you can put up a plaque and everyone will know that you or your organization contributed.

For more information about Impact Signs, visit their website at http://www.impactsigns.com/.

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Being A Mom

Thanks for the post, Vernon Lowe

Being a mom is definitely the toughest job in the world but my kids really run me ragged. My oldest was 30 and he was still living at home as of 6 months ago so I told him he needed to shape up or ship out. To my surprise he found a place of his own because he said he didn’t want me breathing down his back all the time! (Fine by me – one less mouth to feed and less laundry to do!) Anyway, things are quieter here at home and I’ve finally got my home office back which is nice. I paid for him to get Home Security Louisiana systems for the new place because he’s sort of on the wrong side of the tracks but you know, I would do anything for that boy so I don’t really feel bad about “kicking him out” as he calls it. He needed to stand on h is own two feet because he’s an adult, for goodness sakes. I can’t believe I let him live here so long!
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What is your top misspelled word?

As much as I love writing, there are just some words, OK, one word in particular that I always misspell.  Needing the word once again, I turned to Google because as you type, it tries to figure out what you need and so, it saves time.  OK so, here is my word: 


I came across this site and this is how I always try to spell it: definately.

As you can see, there are a number of ways to misspell the word, and trust me, I constantly pick 2 or 3 before I give up and go searching. Believe it or not, the built-in dictionaries (spell check)don't know how to spell it either (that's why I always have to use Google for that one).

So, what's you word?

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Friday, December 9, 2011

To Marry Your Rapist

Growing and living in a Western Society does little to prepare you for how the rest of the world lives.  As a woman, I am naturally compassionate towards all things having to do with woman that I personally feel is not right.  I am also against people who like to go into these non-westernized countries and demand changes are to take place because it is wrong.  I am fully aware that what I feel is wrong, others may not.  

With that said, I came across this article titled, "Jailed Afghan woman freed but urged to marry rapist."  When it comes to women, (I have read or heard) many Middle Eastern and African cultures treat their woman in a negative way.  What I mean by that is by stoning to death or jailing women for committing adultery or being raped and vaginal mutilations (which takes the pleasure out of sex and causes problems during child birth).  I do admit, that hearing stories like these makes me glad that I am a westerner; however, those events does not occur in all non-westernized countries. 
"Gulnaz said, 'My rapist has destroyed my future,' " Ms. Malpas said, recounting their conversation. " 'No one will marry me after what he has done to me. So I must marry my rapist for my child's sake. I don't want people to call her a bastard and abuse my brothers. My brothers won't have honor in our society until he marries me.' "
I have found it most interesting that the judge has suggested Gulnaz, the victim, to marry her rapist.  Given the logistics on how this society works, it is a plausible solution.  As you read the brief article, you will see that Gulnaz is willing and will probably marry the rapist for her daughter's sake, however, she wants an insurance policy along with it.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Baby, it's warm outside!

Yesterday morning as I sleepily took the girls to their bus stop I noticed another humid and warm morning.  Here in NC, Decembers can be a bit cold, frost on the window type of thing.  Well, it hasn't been that way this week and I am a bit surprised.  How's the weather been where you are?

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My name is Jenise and I am a TABaholic!

I am so serious.  I have a lil over 50 tabs open.  I love Google Chrome, even though it does some sort of freezing thing, which kills some of my pages.  There is an easy fix, I just refresh the page.  I really can't help it.  I am an information hog and every time I find a site, it usually leads me to finding another site.  I do take advantage of the bookmarks, but that usually takes me some time to get to because I want to make sure I catalog that correctly.  I have numerous bookmark folders and sub-folders; health (sickle-cell, recipes, smoothies), SC, NC, Greensboro, teen pregnancy, women..... My list goes on.  I am really just wondering if I am the only one that utilizes the tabs in such extreme way.  Oh, I forgot to tell you, I also use Firefox and IE and when I do, before I end my session, I have about 3-5 tabs open.

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Racially-Charged Anti-Abortion Bill Angers Civil Rights Community

Why are we still having this conversation. What are the motives behind the GOP's need or desire to have this be a never ending thing. I don't think I will ever truly understand, but what I do know is, I will never agree with any type of bill that prevents a woman, albeit any skin color, to not have a right to abort.

Racially-Charged Anti-Abortion Bill Angers Civil Rights Community: ""If proponents of this bill truly wanted to help minority women, they would support Title X family planning clinics like Planned Parenthood, comprehensive sex education and the myriad preventative health benefits, such as free birth control, in health care reform," Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.) said. "But they don't, which should tell us something about their true motivations behind this bill.""

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Wake Up Black People; 14% population and 44% HIV/AIDS

Being Black is not a predisposition of catching this virus.  It is just pure ignorance.  I am pleading to my people, please stop laying down with people without knowing yours and their statuses and without protection.  Please stop sharing needles if you are a drug user.

Watch the video here. 

We have to do better for ourselves, our futures, our people.

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