About Me

- Social Butterfly
- Brooklyn, New York, United States
- I aspire to inspire your mind, body, & soul through my blog, Facebook Fan pages, and events. In my spare time, I am an aspiring herbalist, write poetry, short stories, and sometimes songs. My life's purpose is to share knowledge and uplift individuals to heights once thought of as unreachable.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Getting Ready for 2011
Monday, December 20, 2010
Cherish Your Time
Monday, December 13, 2010
Mission Accomplished
Well, I am looking for that cord so that I can reconnect it. It may be temporary, but ...... (that was a random thought). I have a few weeks off and sometime in January, I will back at it. I am taking 5 classes so I can finish. It wasn't supposed to be like that, but since I didn't pass a class from last summer and dropped a class this semester, I am forced to take 5 classes if I want to graduate this coming May. Wish me well please.
So, my mission was accomplished. I successfully completed a semester that had many personal challenges. I am hoping to reduce those distractions, because they can be very fatal. So...
Till Next Time......
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Woman to Rule this Country
“The economic crisis of the Great Depression had eroded the centrality of a man’s role as the family breadwinner; the military crisis of the 1940s had given women a new sense of participation in the public workplace” (154). Professor Cullen goes on to talk about the role of women in the 1980s and beyond in terms of “… mothers who worked outside the home and struggled to find the resources—time, money, quality day care—for their families and themselves” (155).So it was a combination of the Great Depression and World War II that brought women out of their traditional roles of homemakers and mothers. The 1960s brought on a sexual revolution caused by the introduction of the birth control pill and the rise of feminism.
We are now used to seeing women who work outside the home. Hillary Clinton unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, while Sarah Palin ran for vice president of the U.S. The former secretary of state was Condoleezza Rice, who was succeeded by Hillary Clinton. In Congress, Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House for two-and-a-half more months. In our own state, Elizabeth Dole lost her senate seat in 2008 to another woman, Kay Hagan. Until recently, Meg Whitman was the CEO of eBay and was just defeated in her bid to become governor of Californian, while Carly Fiorina was formerly the CEO of Hewlett Packard and was just defeated in her bid to win a Senate seat in California. And of course, Oprah Winfrey may be the most influential person on network television. According to the Durham Herald-Sun, 60 percent of the students at UNC-Chapel Hill, Appalachian State, and ECU are female.
Today, America faces its greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression and continuing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the potential for new threats from Iran and North Korea. Do you think that the future role of American women will change as much in the next 80 years as it has in the last 80 years? Explain your reasons.
GTCC ~ Professor Steve Mueller
Their will be a few stay at home dads in the future (not many), but eighty years from now women will continue to be denied critical resources such as credit, land, and inheritance.
Fellow classmate: M. Morgan
Your point of view is very interesting, however I disagree with some of it. More and more women are banding together for a greater cause. If you were to ask women which sex they thought would run this country better, the answer with the most votes would be a woman. I may be biased to your post because I am a woman myself, however based on history, woman have enough experience to run more than just a household. There are many female leaders in this present day; 31 in 28 leading countries and self-ruling territories to be exact. The mere fact that we are seeing an increase in women seeking political office should tell you that their is a shift tacking place for sure. It is unfortunate that so many women have been mentally abused and the ill effect of that is low self esteem. Not sure how many men have been noticing, but women all over this country are reaching out to other women in full force - there will be little to none hating on other women and much more women looking in the mirror with confidence. So with that said, eighty years from now, women can not be denied critical resources as you are suggesting. Oh, maybe you didn't know that there are more single women owning homes than single men, more women in college than men, and an increasing number of women are that are leading major companies.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Working With Family
I'm ready to help those that want change in their life and are serious. All it takes is $25.00, 5 people, the desire to want to be in business for yourself, and be coachable. Email me at sb.twentyfive@gmail.com and I will be glad to share with you some of my personal development knowledge as well as what got me SOOO EXCITED.
Till Next Time......
Saturday, October 30, 2010
I See Right Thru You
There are people that like to be heard. I think it makes them feel important. Some people may not realize that when you speak out loud, your dreams and aspirations, you are seeking accountablity partners. Accountablity partners want to see you succeed and they will ask you often, "Did you do as you said you were going to do?" Well, what do you think will happen if you keep saying you are going to do and when asked if you did, your answer is always; "no, not yet" "I forgot" "Oh, I cloudn't, but I will in 2 weeks." Come on, are you serious? Obviously not and that is OK, but you need to stop saying out loud the things you are going to do until you are ready to get that done. It is not fare to your accountability partners.
STOP putting off the thing(s) you say you are going to do.
What is really going on? That is what you need to ask yourself; and wait for yourself to answer. You obviously want something more for yourself; albeit, an education, a house, you want to move, you want an upgrade of some tangible thing......and the list can go on. If you have gotten as far as knowing what you need to do to get their and you have not taken the necessary steps to getting there, then you need to figure out what is holding you back. Roadblocks, are just that. They can be moved. You may need a taskforce to move it or you may be able to move it yourself. Bottom line, move it and move on.
I see right thru you
Believe it or not, the video below inspired this posting. Inspiration can come from anywhere, anyone, and anything. We, the people, are powerful beings. We have powers that we don't know we have. Seek within yourself to find out what powers you have and when you start to use them, you will master them.
Till Next Time......
Social ButterflyLive Positive <> Stay Positive
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Voting Time is Right Around the Corner
Getting It All Together
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Clean Up, Clean Up, Everybody, Everywhere!
Stop thinking that nothing good comes your way.
Stop thinking that you are cursed.
It is time to ask yourself; "Am I available to receive the goodness of this world?"
It's clean up time!!
Clean out the garbage in your mind. Get rid of the negative thoughts that you say to yourself on a daily basis. Let go of the negative people that hang around you like leeches. Once you start cleaning out and cleaning up, you should notice positive things happening to you. It may not be when or how you want it, but it will be on time.
Till Next Time......
Back to Basics
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The Poetic Spit & Hmmmmm, Music
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Proactive Parenting: Grades
Proactive: Acting in advance to deal with an expected difficulty; anticipatory...
Parenting: The rearing of a child or children, especially the care, love, and guidance given by a parent.
Social Butterfly
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Proactive Parenting: Bullying
Proactive: Acting in advance to deal with an expected difficulty; anticipatory...
Parenting: The rearing of a child or children, especially the care, love, and guidance given by a parent.
Parenting is not an easy job; however, it is a rewarding one. One of the mantras my children hear me say is, "My job is to teach you right from wrong." If we don't teach them right from wrong, they may not get that lesson elsewhere.
Currently, there are children who are killing themselves because of bullying. I have never been bullied to the point where I felt helpless, but there are children who are experiencing this daily. I know children tease each other, I witness it in my own house. Each and everytime I hear them, I cut it short and let them know that that sort of behavior is unexceptiple. It is not tolerated in or outside of our home.
I can not pretend that I know what is in the mind of a child that bullys; but as a parent, I strongly feel that we can start letting our children know that someones differences are normal. Humans are not all the same. The younger your child is the better. Let's be proactive parents.
Till Next Time......
Monday, October 4, 2010
Tired? Drink Water!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Are You Waiting for Superman? Pt.1
Parents are a child's first teacher, but once they get in school, there isn't much else the parent can do.Part 2 will explore what else we can do as parents to help our children succeed.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
5 Things I need to work on
Friday, October 1, 2010
Saving Our Children from others
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
30 Day Challenge
Friday, September 24, 2010
Social Butterfly Website
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Raising Taxes? Are you kidding me!!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
A Child's Thoughts????
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
When Others Believe in YOU
Till Next Time......
Live Positive <> Stay Positive
Monday, September 13, 2010
Friendships are Formed Early in Life
Preschool is usually when friendships outside of family members are formed. Each year the bond becomes stronger. The definition of a friend is a person you know well and regard with affection and trust. The word friend has many new names (these are as heard by my children, TV, and social networks); BFF, bestee, pal, buddy, homie my peeps, ride or die, my niggas (yes, I said it), etc. I would love for you to post some more names. My question is, when does one stop knowing how to be a friend. As humans we need one another; albeit to get ahead in life, to babysit our children/animals, or just to have a shoulder to cry on. I love my friends, each one has their own qualities and are there for me at various stages of my life. If you are a friend, you need to stay true, be there when your friend is falling, choose wise words to say, and offer encouragement. If you feel like you are going to or are capable of stabbing your friend in the back, walk away. One more thing, GET YOUR OWN! You should not rely on others to provide you with anything. Helping and relying upon is TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. Take the help of those willing to help and build on that, don't settle and think this is owed to you or you deserve this.
Till Next Time......
Live Positive <> Stay Positive
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I am not without personal problems or issues. But, hands down, I am happy. I am happy for the skin that I am in. Also, don't get it twisted, there are days when I don't like what is looking back at me in the mirror, but for me, those are temporary feelings/temporary days. They DO NOT DICTATE the reflection of myself. When I am down or upset, it radiates out of me; it is highly noticeable. Those who know me will stop me to inquire about what is wrong. They know that I am not myself. When you are down all the time and people try to cheer you up and you refuse it, then your down state becomes norm and people stop caring about what ails you. Then, you start to think "no one cares about me," well, if you don't care about yourself and you've burned more bridges than you can build then, yes, it will appear that no one cares about you. The best way for you to change the way people react towards you is to LEARN TO BE HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE!
Social Butterfly, how can I learn to be happy with myself? You can start by saying to yourself everyday in the mirror "I AM HAPPY WITH WHO I AM" It is quick and takes less than 10 seconds to say, post it on your mirror, nightstand, the back of your front door, in your car right above the radio. You are going to fake it until you make it. Once you make it I promise you, I guarantee that YOU WILL BE HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE, you will have more meaningful relationship; whether friendly or intimate.
This posting is a part of a series about Community-Self.
Till Next Time......
Live Positive <> Stay Positive
Thursday, September 9, 2010
11 Rules for our Children to Learn
Rule 1: Life is not fair-get used to it.
Rule 2: The world won’t care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3: You will NOT make 40 Thousand dollars a year right out of high school. You won’t be a vice-president with a car phone, until you earn both.
Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He doesn’t have tenure.
Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping-they called it opportunity.
Rule 6: If you mess up, it’s not your parents’ fault, so don’t whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren’t as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents’ generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.
Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers but life has not. In some schools they hav
e abolished failing grades and they’ll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn’t bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don’t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. You have to do that on your own time.
Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Grand Opening -- Quick Post
Thank you for your support. You are the BEST!!!
Till Next Time......Live Positive <> Stay Positive
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Self Motivation
Here is a list of things for you to do or say to motivate yourself when you are sick and tired of attending that pity party you keep throwing for yourself. As usual, there is no particular order. Try them all and pick what works best.
- STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF! - You have control over how long you feel sorry for yourself. Dust your shoulder off and pick up the pieces that are worth salvaging.
- WRITE AND REPEAT! - Keep a journal, notepad, notebook, tablet, or utilize the notepad feature that may have come with your phone. Write positive notes to your self and/or repeat them to your self when you need a pick-me-up.
- TALK ABOUT IT! - Call, IM, text, PM (private message) your friend on Facebook. Get in contact with your friend and tell them what is going on. There is nothing like the comfort that a good friend offers. The words of wisdom that flows from that person's mouth will be like a breath of fresh air. SN: if you have never felt that way after speaking to your friend, don't call that one when you are feeling down.
I am going to live my life to the fullest.
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
When one door closes; several will become available to me -or- another one will open.
I love myself, flaws and all.
I love me for me.
Smile, Jesus loves you.
Be all you can be.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
I have faith in myself.
No one can keep me down, I have the power to get back up.
This posting is a part of a series about Community-Self. I enjoyed writing this post and I hope you enjoyed reading it.
Till Next Time......
Live Positive <> Stay Positive
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
A Rainy Day

- Write - I have a few book ideas that I am working on at different times. Have you thought about writing a book. Get started!
- Clean - There is always going to be that area in your house that needs some special attention. Perhaps it is the area you love to forget about.
- Cook - Take inventory of all the things in your pantry and fridge. Create a dish like no other and eat off of something fancy.
- Sleep - We are all probably a little sleep deprived. Napping is great. Going to bed a couple of hours earlier than usual is even better.
- Shop - You know I sell women's accessories at Free Spirit Accessories. Go through your closet and find 7 outfits, request a catalog by sending me an email at socialbutterflyemail@gmail.com and buy 1 piece/set per outfit. That will give you enough flexibility to mix and match your pieces for a new look everyday.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
A Married Couple that Dances Together Stays Together
My creative juices are flowing and I am thinking, "how can I do something like this in my community." Have you thought of how you can help the married people in your community?
I hope you enjoy this 5 minute video as much as I did.
This video was copied from Black and Married with Kids
Till Next Time......
Live Positive <> Stay Positive
Friday, August 20, 2010
Shutting Down
So, what is shutting down? That is when I, in the past, have quit boyfriends because they are not meeting my needs or, oh, I think that is when I used it. I am laughing to myself. Ok, so the idea is to break things off that are not working (I do do that all the time). I don't glutten for pain, misery, or anything that would fit in that category. Shutting down gives you a break; a break from what you are used to. Humans tend to get comfortable in situations. We learn to deal with uncomfortable issues instead of speaking up and moving on (thats just something random I threw in there).
It is time for me to "SHUT IT DOWN." Things are not working out for me. I am at a cross between doing what my heart is telling me and doing what my mind is telling me. I am going to do another fast next week to see what the spirit is telling me to do.
One of the morals of this post is to figure out how to get in touch with your spirit so that when it is time for you to shut down, you know which way to go when you get going again.
Till Next Time......Live Positive <> Stay Positive
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Now that is what I am talking about
Friday, August 13, 2010
Living In Unity
Monday, August 9, 2010
Wyclef Jean for President
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Have I influenced you?
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Renew Oneself!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Put down your righteous flags
I am so tired of people waving their righteous flags. Put those S*&$s down. There are plenty of people with money and they are spending it. I work 5 days a week helping people spend their money. If those with money didn't spend it, then ...I and you may not have the jobs/businesses that we have. These issues that are constantly being bought up in the media is to deter you from the realization of "what's really going on". Yes, people are losing there jobs and killing others b/c of it. But, know that this recession is not affecting any and everyone. They President and his wife like Shameka said, were rich before they got into office and they will be rich when they leave. We need not get caught up in all this hoopla, we need to look at ourselves and uplift those around us. Imagine if the whole world did that, iso being upset that the woman took a vacation. I don't care if she took 100 vacations a year. My concern with her as a FIRST LADY, is is she doing her job and is she keeping her husband in check, is she being a good back bone, is she telling him when decision are not right. Thats what we all need to be concerned about not how many vacations she takes.
Fighting Extreme Global Poverty
The Movement of One Day's Wages from One Day's Wages on Vimeo.
I wanted to share this video with you. When I first watched, I was like wow. Poverty, the ending of poverty is part of Social Butterfly's mission statement. I am not exactly sure when we will be able to start our own initiative, but we sure can help others do what they are set to do.
Being a part of any CHANGE is definitely a good thing.
Till next time.....
Live Positive <> Stay Positive
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Don't be so quick to.....
So, enough about me. I really want to talk about making haste. When we as a people decide we want to make a change for the better, there will always be a people who will try their darnedest to shut you down. Stand strong, place your feet on solid ground, hold your head up.... and know, just because you are doing good, there will be people that don't want to see you make that good change. They will be quick to turn around and turn your positives into negatives. A perfect example is the recent incident with Shirley Sherrod. A fellow blogger says it best, so click Kyra's Web Log to get the scoop on how some of us feel about people who make haste with their negativity.
As usual, Till Next Time.......
Live Positive <> Stay Positive
Monday, July 19, 2010
Testing Testing 1 2 3
So, what is this post all about. Well, wouldn't you know, my husbands truck broke down. Remember, his truck was supposed to carry me till the end of the month. Oh, if I didn't tell you that part, now you know. I remember when my van broke down, how helpless I felt. I wasn't even able to talk to the people who were trying to help me. Since then, I have made some connections with God, my inner being (sometimes referred to as my inner self), my spirit, and well being. In doing so 2 weeks ago, this situation is much more bearable. I know it is not the end of my world and that somehow, things will work out. My prayer this time was Lord, just don't take a person in my life. I can learn to deal with life's issues, but losing a loved one was not going to work for me. God knows why I said that.
Well, here I am, not sure if I will make it to work for the next 2 weeks. But, I am ready to see what is in store for me. I have really learned that my life's problems are making me stronger and ready for the greater good. I, just for a moment, thought about if these events happened to me sooner. Oh, the stress and anger would have plagued me for days. God knew what he was doing when he made me humble myself.
Till next time.......
Live Positive <> Stay Positive
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Rome was not Built in a Day
So, I will share two of the habits that I am trying to break now: (drum roll please)
- Bill paying: I hate it, and I hate it more when I feel that I don't have enough money to cover it all.
- Overeating: I do have my favoites foods that I can just devour. I now find balance during the day or within the next few days to compensate if I hate too much.
So, when you decide that it is time to change something; don't be hard on yourself, know that it takes time, connect with your inner self for guidance, and grab yourself an accountability partner (more on that in another post).
Till next time.....
Live Positive <> Stay Positive
Friday, July 9, 2010
My Fast is Complete
- Fast
- Write 2 blog post; The first is about the experience of how I came to do this fast, The second was about the changes in which all of us have been experiencing in our lives and how now we are prepared for the changes that are about to take place.
- Do a video blog; which I am sharing here. This prayer came to me on my first eve of the fast. I am quite nervous in sharing it but these are the words that I wrote.
He's Doing Great Things
We are More Prepared for the Changes to Come
Till Next time......
Live Positive <> Stay Positive
Monday, July 5, 2010
My Own Domain
It feels really good to have your own things. iamsocialbutterfly.blogspot.com is now iamsocialbutterfly.com. Yippee. The transition will be complete within 3 days, but I am soo excited that I just have to share the good news RIGHT NOW.
Till next time.....
Live Positive <> Stay Positive
Keep Still

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Get focused! Get goals! Stay Prioritized!!
Till next time..........subsribe and check back often
Live Positive <> Stay Positive
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Found the light switch

One of the goals of the Social Butterfly Group is to help other women find that light switch.
Until next time......
Live Positive <> Stay Positive
Monday, June 14, 2010
Getting it Together
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Feed Me Nutrition and Knowledge
I love that proverb. My parents brought me up fairly well and a lot of what I was taught, I utilize in my everyday life. My hope for my youth is very much the same. I, as much as I can, like to relate how what I am telling them will help them once they are grown.
I also grew up with the saying, "Do as I say and not as I do." I still love this one. I understand the new philosophy. Your children are watching you. Yea, but even though they are watching me, they are still choosing to do what they want to do. Classic example: Scenario 1. My children see me not working and maintaining a clean house. Scenario 2. They are older. I am working, and I am not maintaining as I used to. I am not doing anything because I work and go to school full-time. With both of these scenarios, the children are watching. Now, when they are told to do their chores or help around the house and they don't, who or what are they emmulating.
Bottom line, do like me and just make sure they are fed nutritious meals most of the time and understand the importance of them and give them as much knowledge as you have all while encouraging them and yourself to seek out more.
I hope you liked my post today. As usual, Live Positive <> Stay Positive